The principal objective of this treatment facility is generally to allow domestic effluents to be disposed of without causing danger to human health or unacceptable damage to natural environment. The treated effluent can be reused & recycled and our design enables to reduce fresh water consumption. We use MBBR & MBR technology for treating wastewater. The process is designed to meet effluent parameters as prescribed by Pollution Control Board. The treatment process involves primary, secondary and tertiary treatment (aerobic treatment) to remove contaminants. It helps to manage pH, O&G, BOD, COD, and TSS levels. We use our special disinfectants that enable the water for secondary use. The STP is specially designed for hospitals, commercial complex, hotels & resorts, municipality, residential societies, educational institutions, industrial & corporate canteens. Our products treating capacity ranges from 5 KLD to 2 MLD.
Industries Catered
- Hospitality Sector
- Healthcare & Hopsital Industry
- Industrial canteens
- Corporate Canteens
- Housing Societies
- Commercial Complex
- Educational Institutions
- Hostels
- Corporate & Industrial offices